Posted in Lore, wip

April 8th

Happy Saturday, readers!

It has been a hectic week over here in the Reece household. Busy work schedules mingle with family visits. Friends dropped by our home. We said goodbye at the airport. 

We seem to live in a constant state of chaos. There’s always one too many dog toys out on the living room floor. Dishes are piled on a corner in the kitchen. Laundry from two days ago is still kept in baskets. The grass we got around to mowing is already overgrown again. 

We’re trapped in stagnation. The same vicious cycle repeating every week. 

Except, we’re not. 

Sure, Tuesday looked like every other Tuesday from the past six months. I went to work. I wrote on my break. I thought about my wife in the widening hours behind the counter of a fast food restaurant. 

I did something I’ve never done before, though. 

I wrote the last line of my first novel. 

Almost twelve years ago now, I decided I was going to be an author. Not because it was my dream job. Not because it was a stable plan for my future. Simply because there were voices in my head and stories in my veins that couldn’t be contained. 

Twelve years ago I wrote an incredibly terrible, cliche-filled novel with a loose concept around vampires and romance. Twelve years ago I met a girl who would change my life. She read the whole damn thing. 

She told me it was good. 

I kept writing. She kept reading. What was terrible and cliche gave way to things that flowed and grew into original concepts that only I could write. Things clicked in my soul. My initial characters were discarded. 

I started something new. 

That book also didn’t pan out. Nor the next five or six that I really put my determination behind. 

I took time off of writing. The girl who was my first reader was my best friend, then my girlfriend, and now my wife. She reminded me to keep going when the reality of the world came crashing down on us. It was never about making money, but breathing into life these concepts that had fueled our beginning relationship. 

After years of going round and round about different characters, she convinced me that one of my villains was actually the hero. Ashby Carter became a topic of dinner conversation. We debated his hopes and dreams, his plans and schemes, his loves and losses. More as a challenge to get me out of writer’s block on my main project, my incredible wife dared me to write a few chapters from his point of view. 

Something silly. Something nobody but she would ever read. 

And she loved it. 

So, I wrote more, pushing myself to get a new chapter to her every week and reveling in the way her sharp mind kept pace with all of my new ideas and scenes. Ashby Carter became so much more than a villain concept. 

He’s a brother. He’s a man lost out of time. He’s looking for love and is willing to do the worst things to keep it. 

On Tuesday we played around with a wedding scene. There’s 120,000 plus words behind the concept of Ashby Carter. He married the love of his life in a google doc page on my iPad this week. 

I wrote the last lines of the novel I’ll be polishing over the next few months. 

It’s not something profound or completely original. It’s not the character or concept I set out to write twelve years ago. Ashby Carter is so much more. 

He’s the living embodiment of growth and love in my relationship to my wife. He’s the proof that I can push myself to finish tough projects. He’s a flower growing through a crack in the concrete of my previous ideas. 

So, readers, as you follow along on my writing journey, pay special attention to Ashby Carter. 

He’s the character that rescued me from giving up on my dreams.

Posted in wip

Laughing Through Life

What makes you laugh?

My wife.

My stunning, brilliant, little wife. She’s a witty mess. There’s puns hidden around every corner of our home, her wry smile wrinkling her features as she waits for me to walk face first into the punchline.

And I do. Every time. Just for her.

We’ve known each other for twelve years and we’ll be married five this coming summer. Somehow, we haven’t run out of jokes.

There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make her smile and throw her head back with a cackle. Her laugh lights a spark in my chest on the hardest days. She reminds me that even in the darkest moments, there’s something to make light of, something to tease about, and something to whole-heartedly laugh about.

I hope the remainder of my life is filled with laughter because of something she whispered against my lips.

Posted in wip

Some Thursday Thoughts

Hey, readers!

This week I’ve started a very important scene in Lore. A wedding. I’ve been in a spiral of researching as I try to figure out the customs of the different characters involved. It’s super fun to write vampires with emotional instability until I have to consider the fact that their childhoods and traditions have nothing in common with my own experiences.

I’m learning a lot, though, stuffing away certain items to be used in future scenes as my research takes me to the edges of ancient Egypt and the farmlands of France.

We’re also starting to talk about major edits and creating a real book. A printed novel, that is. Something that I wouldn’t just nudge readers towards online, but that I could ask them to hold in their hands.

I’m excited and nervous and standing on the edge of a project that very well could take me years of idling if I didn’t have my wife to hold my hand and tell me that this is manageable. This is real. All of these little stories I’ve compiled for Ashby and Lucy aren’t just silly things I wrote for fun or a few bucks on amazon, but could be edited and compiled into a novel for a whole new audience.

It’s scary. It’s a lot of work to stare at right now. It’s incredible. I can’t believe we’re really going to do this.

I had no idea that I would be standing here almost a year ago when my writing partner asked me to start sharing weekly short stories. I didn’t think I would ever get to the point of having real stories to share when I started jotting down ideas in a chemistry class almost twelve years ago. I still don’t think I’ll make it most days, but my wife continues to read every damn word and tell me that there’s not just potential, but that this is going to work and be important and utterly change our lives.

There’s stories living just under my skin. They prickle like thunderstorms waiting to erupt with lightning and fry the keyboard I keep fiddling with while I try to come up with my next words. Vampires and politics, princesses who refuse to fit the societal norm, devilish deals, and romances that threaten to upend the heteronormative narrative elicited from most of the bookshelves I walk by every week.

I’m a writer. I’m going to keep saying it until I truly believe it.

More than that, I’m an author.

Not someone who is using formulas to pump out the same novel over and over again, but someone who can’t help but write because I can’t contain the stories without going absolutely insane.

To the readers who have been here since the beginning, thank you. To the readers who have stumbled onto this page and have gotten curious about what I’m rambling on about, thank you for stopping by. There are going to be good and bad weeks, times where I don’t think I can write another true word, but having you here to support me makes a world of difference.

I’ll see you next time 🙂

Posted in wip

Wednesday WIP Update

What have I been up to, readers?

We’ve survived another storm. I sit at the kitchen table and stare at the carnations my wife brought home for me last weekend. There’s sunshine leaking onto the floor by the fridge, a reminder that the end of winter is quickly approaching.

Work comes and goes. I fold laundry. Life happens in a blur around me.

March is a fickle mistress. There’s frost on the grass in the morning. Leaves have started to sprout from every tree down the street. There’s a fresh energy to the air. In the same breath, I feel I can do everything I’ve ever imagined and that I’ll never do anything more than manage the monotony of my average day.

It’s a lot to handle at any given moment.

There have been some successes this week. I wrote the next full episode of Lore, making this episodic series an amazing 30 episodes long. My editor gave it her full approval and I’ve hit publish on vella just before starting this blog. It should be processed and ready to read by Friday morning 🙂

Henri just got started today. We’re moving slowly through this next space, but I’m sure it’ll be a fun ride once we pick up momentum.

I picked out my next dialogue prompt. I’ll be doing a werewolf and a vampire trying to come to an agreement. I’ve already gone off the rails creating stories for these two characters and, if I’m up to it, might do the same story from each of their separate perspectives. Maybe! We’ll see :p

It’s Wednesday, readers! We’ve made it halfway through another week. I have one more full day of flipping burgers and cooking chicken while running around a hot kitchen before my days off for chores and family errands and some more writing.

We can do this 🙂

Take an extra minute this week to enjoy that morning cup of coffee. Make a new dish for dinner just because. Put a movie on in the living room and try to master a new craft, but inevitably fall asleep with yarn in your lap and drool on your chin.

There’s still time to get things done. There’s still time to take a moment for yourself and rest and relax. Do what is best for yourself these next few days.

I’ll see you next time, readers! 🙂

Posted in wip

It’s Wednesday!

Hey, readers!

I can’t believe that it is already Wednesday again. All of my days have been blurring together. Work, dinner, see my wife for a wonderful few moments, collapse on the couch or in bed or wherever my body finally gives out, and then fumble with the alarm the next morning and beg the heavens for just ten more minutes. It’s a vicious cycle that has no end in sight.

I am excited to announce that I’ve been squeezing in so much writing this week! Henri is all done and ready to be edited this evening. At the end of episode ten, we’re just about done setting up the main plot. I’m incredibly ready to get his story running down the familiar Beauty and the Beast themes while giving his voice free reign to tweak things as necessary.

Check out the rest of the story here to get caught up before Friday: A Secret in the Thorns

Ashby got started this morning on my lunch break. He’s in a tizzy trying to stop a murderous psychopath now loose in Gideon’s compound and feeling the strain of trying to keep his brothers alive while still pining over time lost with Lucy. It’s going to be a race to fix these new problems and get Ashby Carter down on one knee to ask Lucy to also spend her life with him.

Read Lore here to see the rest of the drama and theatrics that have led up to this amazing 30th episode: Lore by Angelica Reece


I wrote a new short story for the blog that will be available Saturday! Come back here to read about a girl with a dream to catch freedom with both of her hands, even if the cost is the still beating heart of Lord Durinhan on the end of an arrow. A ballroom, a woman in the rafters, and a game of cat and mouse that you are not going to want to miss.

In other news, I’ve started a new book. “Can’t Spell Treason without Tea” by Rebecca Thorne. I’m one chapter in and already invested in the two main characters of this cozy, sapphic novel. If you’ve read it or plan on reading it, say so in the comments, so we can trade notes! It’s very cute and a wonderful palette cleanse between the spooky world building of King and whatever fantasy I’ll be delving into next.

There’s a storm blowing into my area tomorrow, so I’m going to hunker down with my wife and our dog. I’ve already placed candles on the television center, ready for the worst case scenario of being thrown into darkness during gusty weather. If all goes well, we’re going to have a vampire movie marathon and share a big comforter and remind each other that even in the scariest moments we’re not alone.

Stay safe and dry and try to find a moment to read in the next few days. I’ll see you next time, readers!

Posted in wip

March 1st

Happy first day of the new month, readers!

It has been a blurry two weeks. The wife and I got the flu. Besides managing to drag ourselves to some work shifts, we’ve mostly taken up residence on the couch and watched a number of cartoons.

Since I was last here, I finished reading Fairytale by Stephen King. After taking almost two months to read the first half, I finished the second half in a record two hours. It was a sprint to the finish. Definitely a book I’d recommend if you’re looking for witty societal commentary stuffed inside the trimmings of a hundred different fairytale tropes. It was such a fun story!

It was impossible to stare at my keyboard last week, so I took a short hiatus from writing Henri and Ashby’s stories. They’re back up and running this week. Henri is getting edited tonight and will be sharing his next episode with the prince this Friday!

Click here to catch up on his story so far: A Secret in the Thorns

Ashby is taking a little longer. We’re introducing yet another new character, spending time with his brothers, and looking for a ring to give to Lucy while slowly weaving in bigger themes for my main novel.

Catch up on Lore here for a fun vampire romance: Lore

What else, readers???

Life keeps moving. Some days it’s a hundred hours to get through a single work shift. Others, I blink and I’m back home, scrambling to not burn dinner while singing to too loud music from the kitchen speaker.

There’s plants to water and a dog to feed.

I have twenty characters vying for my attention. All have more stories. All of them think they’re the next most important project.

After putting it off since last November, I picked up my novel once again and wrote a single starting paragraph for this latest revision. Hopefully, I’ll be able to carve out time to work with Tamyra more often this coming month.

Here’s to watching some more silly television and snuggling under three blankets to stay warm. It’s a good month for being kind to myself and resting for a few minutes instead of racing from one project to the next without taking a breath.

Thank you to everyone who reads these posts. You give me the motivation to keep coming back to write again and again.

I’ll see you next week 🙂

Posted in wip

A Wed. Blog

The sun is setting. There’s four different cheeses in a bowl on the kitchen counter. Pop music swells within the walls of our home.

It’s been a long day. It’s been a long week. I’m tempted to already say it’s been a long year.

Since I was last here, I made it to the craft fair on Sunday. It was a terrible experience. We did manage to make one sale amidst the chaos of a disorganized event and less than helpful weather conditions. To the lovely woman who took home one of my spooky book stacks, I hope it finds the perfect spot next to your current TBR pile.

Writing has been a haphazard event. I’m stuffing words into prompts and then trying to disentangle the mess I’ve made. Some days I question whether it’s worth it to leave my job and try to keep doing this writer thing. My wife promises it is. She reads my chaotic collection of sentences and forgives me for breaking every possible grammatical error.

I read over and over and over again that being a writer is a solitary event. You MUST lock the door to your office and stare at a bright little screen until the wee hours of the morning or you’re not doing it correctly.

That’s not it for me. Sitting in my office typically leads to spinning in my chair or doodling on a scrap of paper or staring out the window at the same damn street. So, I sit at the kitchen table and make small talk while my wife stuffs that cheese into large noodles. We discuss my characters like they’re real people just in the next room over, their fates merely common gossip to be murmured over a cup of tea. I need conversation and a break every twenty minutes to dance to the Spotify playlist.

I need my writing partner who shows up to every week and continues to encourage me while I question how I managed to write nearly thirty episodes in a fan fiction for my novel. Bridgette, you’re a constant source of support and love and I couldn’t do this without you.

I need to be prepping food at work in the morning and let my Mom ask me questions about my novels. Without even realizing, she pokes around my plots and double-checks my theories, giving me the confidence I’ll need in the future to sit on a panel and talk to people about my books.

I need to see that a couple of you, readers, have shown up to my blog or my vellas or simply liked a post on Instagram to remind me that there is a purpose in putting all of my messy thoughts onto this black and white document.

Writing isn’t a solitary event. It doesn’t only happen at a desk. It takes a community to give birth to imaginary concepts and witty characters and at least one or two people to remind the supposed writer that they should, in fact, be writing.

Thank you to everyone who continues to come here and read.

It’s time for this writer to sink into a hot bath and talk to her imaginary friends for a little bit. Have a wonderful week. I’ll see you next Wednesday!

Posted in wip

A Wednesday Evening

Happy halfway through the week check-in, readers!

What have I been up to? Everything and nothing. A vicious cycle of work and hobbies and staring at a screen while trying to will the words I need for this week to just write themselves.

Henri’s story is done. He’s going to be edited this evening and posted in time for his weekly update on Friday. Prince Aldric plays an imposing character across from Henri in this Beauty and the Beast retelling. Check out this link if you want to catch up before the new episode drops: A Secret in the Thorns

Ashby is started. He has grand plans for his returned proposal to Lucy. There’s 1500 words already in his story, but it’ll likely be a little longer than usual to find the rest of this particular episode. I have a full cast to balance and every one of these complicated characters wants to shine their brightest. Get caught up on Lore here if you want to be ready for the eventual release of the next episode: Lore by Angelica Reece

When not writing or working or staring at that pile of laundry in the corner, I’ve been embroidering. My next craft show is this coming Sunday at the Bloom festival in Elk Grove. There are so many bright fabrics and tangled threads and obstinate hoops to wrestle through in the remaining evenings between now and then. It’s exciting and nerve wracking every time I have one of these events! I’ll let you all know next week how well it goes!

The world is chaotic. Time seems accelerated. February is as good a time as any for self-care, so don’t forget to take deep breaths and notice the buds growing on the tree in the backyard. Linger in the kitchen, so your beautiful wife will come looking for you and steal a kiss by the stove. Take an extra two minutes to pet the dog. Eat something full of sugar even as the green light on the microwave warns that one o’clock is around the corner. There’s a pile of books on the shelf waiting to be read and a mess around the house, but it can wait a moment more to do the things that matter.

Have a lovely week!

Posted in wip

Wed. Feb 1

Oh my goodness! We made it through January.

This has been the fastest and simultaneously longest month of my life. I turned 26 and was reminded of all the amazing people who gather together to celebrate me. The wife and I ran into financial issues and had to lean on family to continue forward. A family member was hospitalized and it felt like the world stood still.

It seems there’s nothing better to do than simply hold on while the waves of this world continue to splash alongside our boat.

So, here’s some good stuff:

I wrote! This time last year I was struggling with depression and barely opening my writing apps or journals. It was hard to hear my characters. This month? They couldn’t leave me alone and we managed to add an entirely new cast for my beauty and the beast retelling.

I watched terrible horror films and threw popcorn at the woman I love in the house we own while our dog pranced the room.

We cooked in our kitchen and danced to pop music and kissed where the moon snuck a peek into the window.

Amidst the tears and the panic and the hopelessness crammed into the business of everyday jobs and routines, we laughed and held onto each other and that’s all I can ask for in this life.


If that’s a message that resonates with you, check out Ashby’s new episode coming out this Friday to see the promising proposal between him and Lucy: Lore by Angelica Reece

My editor is going over Henri’s chapter today, too, so he’ll also be available on Friday. Catch up on this awesome retelling here: A Secret in the Thorns by Angelica Reece

Here’s to the beginning of February and hoping for a stroke of good luck sprinkled into the fibers of each day.

I’ll see you next week, readers. 🙂

Posted in Uncategorized, wip

Jan. 25

Happy Wednesday, readers!

Last week’s launch of The Secret in the Thorns was spectacular. You wonderful people really helped make my second vella series feel like an exciting moment, so thank you so much for hopping on board with my next project!

Right now I’m tinkering with the end of Henri’s episode five. He is cold and grumpy in his latest situation. Be sure to check out the vella to see what’s going on this Friday!

Ashby is slowly getting back into action. Episode 26 is being edited right now by my amazing wife. We’re going back and forth with some of the details of this incredible story and trying to figure out what’s next for Ashby and Lucy. This will also be available this coming Friday, so look for it in the kindle app!

What else? What else? What else?

The only thing I have read this week came from my friend’s blog. Check out Bridgette’s writing here if you want to be swept away with magic and whimsy:

Work has been hectic. I have not been as productive on the rest of my projects as I’ve wanted, but I hope to get back into the full swing of things by February.

Hopefully I’ll have some pics of my new embroidery projects up this coming week as well! We’re having a lot of fun with flower prints and spring themes.

My goals for the next six days? Write, write, write. Dance in the kitchen with my wife once or twice. Step out into the sunlight with my wild dog and forget about everything else to simply live in the moment.

Let’s have a great week, readers! 🙂